Friday, May 21, 2010

Freshman Year

Freshman year was great I had a blast knowing new teachers and meeting more friends. I loved all the dances it was the best. But what I enjoyed the most was the sports I was involved in, such as Football, Wrestling, and Baseball. I loved this because I love being active and competing against other schools and teams. I thought all my teachers were great this year and they couldn't of done a better job at what they did. Because my teachers made this year so much fun I can't wait until next year at the Sophomore level I think it will be great.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Why is Animal Farm important?

Animal Farm is important because in this book it relates to actions done in every day life. And this also teaches less on how to lie your life. All people should read this book even little kids because they will get a kick out of it. This book is based on is these animals on a farm who are afraid of their owner Mr. Jones, and in the story they have conflict with the owner and end up solving situations to get out of. One part of the book is when they all gather up and sing their war song to get all cheered up and then the owner comes out and shoots at them. This relates to real life because when our country goes to war they usually have a war song to get all fired up before they go to battle. This is why Animal Farm is important to read.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What is Power?

Power is something that can control you or something that you hold. Power can be destructive and violent if used in the wrong way by certain people. Someone can easily gain power by if they are rich or are very smart. Also they could just win a lot of battles in war and get ranked higher and then you could have more power than other states, countries, and continents.
What holds the most power in my life is probably parents and sports. My parents hold power in my life because they tell me what to do, they make me food, and they buy me things that I need for my life and many other things. Sports also have power in my life because I play sports almost every day. I play football which starts in the summer and ends in the fall. Then Im in wrestling, this sport starts from the beginning of winter until the end of winter. And last is baseball which starts before spring and ends in June.
What makes me powerful is me being able to push myself from things that I thought I would never do and having fun at it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why are Athletes Paid so Much?

Cooper Sant Amour

Per. 2

Why Are Athletes Paid So Much?

Are athletes getting paid too much, or do they deserve what they are working for, and should they be making more money than the president? These are two completely different jobs and I do think athletes deserve what they are working for. And while some people believe athletes are getting paid too much I believe that they deserve every penny of it.

Some people believe athletes are paid too much. Actually some athletes get paid more than the president of the United States. Many people agree with the fact that athletes shouldn’t get paid more than the president because he is one man that runs the whole country. And that also there are thousands of paid athletes probably not working as hard as the president. But what I am trying to say is that a lot of people believe athletes shouldn't be getting paid this much. What I think is that people shouldn't worry about who gets paid more because they are two very different jobs that require much different work involved.

I believe athletes are paid so much because they work hard at what they do. Most people believe athletes are paid so much because they are good. One athlete that is very good is Brett Favre he has been in the pro sport of football for many years and is getting paid millions, and he deserves every penny of it. Another reason that pro athletes are good is because they practice a lot. Athletes can often practice more than 40 hours a week. These examples are important because it is what athletes all around the world do everyday of their lives until they retire. Athletes are paid so much because they work hard, practice a lot, and are very good at what they do. That’s why athletes are paid so much.

In the end most people believe that athletes should be paid well because they work hard at what they do and practice more than 40 hours a week. On the other hand some people believe that they should not be paid as much because some athletes get paid more than the president of the united states, and that they think that the president ha a much more important job than an average athlete, because the president controls what goes on in the nation. This is why people think athletes should get paid a lot and other reasons on why they shouldn't get paid a lot.